Understanding Risk
There is a lot of discussion currently about risk in the industry. Who should bear risk? What is risk and what effect does it have on contractors’ ability to meet their obligations to the contract they have with their client?
There is a lot of discussion currently about risk in the industry. Who should bear risk? What is risk and what effect does it have on contractors’ ability to meet their obligations to the contract they have with their client?
The Registered Master Builders Association President Darrell Trigg talks about the importance of planning in your business.
Business confidence may be on a slide in national surveys – but in Northland – or at least in Whangarei – the economy’s on a roll. Unemployment’s at its lowest level in a decade, cruise ships want to come to Northport; investors are courting the council for the right to build hotels and a new civic centre.
Business confidence may be on a slide in national surveys – but it’s heading in the other direction in Whangārei, according to those who should know.
We’re proud to announce that our Managing Director Darrell Trigg was recently bestowed Life Membership of Auckland Registered Master Builders at this year’s Annual Members Meeting.
Choosing your construction partner when facing a large project or commercial build can be a nerve-wracking experience.
The Trigg team is growing! We’re happy to introduce Bronson Brown, the latest addition to our talented Project Management team
The team at Trigg would like to offer our heartfelt congratulations to all the winners at the 2016 Northland Business Excellence Awards. These deserving businesses demonstrate the strong values and positive work ethic that drives the Northland economy, and the success of this evening and the economic upturn Northland is enjoying are a direct result of the enthusiasm, drive and hard graft displayed by each of these businesses.
Early Contractor Involvement, or ECI, is when the commercial project team is brought together at from the beginning of the project, when all the important decisions are being made.
Trigg continues to cement their reputation as one of New Zealand’s top construction companies, with the Northland award-winning construction team taking out yet another top prize – this time at the recent New Zealand Commercial Project Awards.
Unit 4, 16 Marsden Bay Drive
One Tree Point