Hard Conversations

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At the end of last year, Business Coach Britta Christiansen and Darrell took part in a Master Builders Elevate webinar titled ‘Hard Conversations’ – or, as Britta prefers, conversations that matter. The webinar looked at how to have difficult but often necessary conversations with clients, staff, subbies and others – something many of us face daily as we navigate the ever-present challenges of running businesses and teams on construction projects. If this is something you’d like to hone your skills in, check out the recording of the Hard Conversations webinar.

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Project Updates

Darrell, Marlene, and the team are proud to announce that Trigg has been awarded the main contractor role to partner with Stand Children’s Services Tu Maia Whānau (Stand) to redevelop the Maunu premises. This is a significant project for Stand and the Whangarei and Northland community.


Meet the Team: Hayley Ludgate

Hayley joined the team in October this year in a Construction Support role and as Trigg’s Health and Safety Officer. Based at Trigg HQ with Marlene, Hayley likes to be busy and has added huge value to the team’s work in the short time she’s been with us.

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