Trigg Sports Arena
A modern high-spec community sports facility in the heart of Whangarei.
A multi-award-winning building with a specialist eye clinic and state-of-the-art surgery facilities.
A 368m2 single-storey construction, with an average 2.7m stud height (excluding 4.5m clerestory). The building features Colorsteel exterior cladding, cedar cladding, mixed with aluminium louvres and cedar screen. There are specialist operating theatres, sterilisation facilities and recovery rooms, wireless technology throughout, and reception with children’s play area and aquarium.
To maintain a balance between cost, aesthetics and practicality. A rise in building costs during construction threatened the viability of the entire project. The client needed spaces to be constructed with a modern yet generic feel, suitable for multiple purposes.
The site, located in the central city, close to high schools and other organisations, presented ongoing site and health and safety challenges. Extensive site works and landscaping, including on-site stormwater retention and retaining wall, were also required.
We liaised closely with our client, the architects and specialist theatre nurses throughout the entire process to ensure the layout of rooms, structure and ‘look’ of the building was functional and to specification.
A unique, futuristic-looking building that has received accolades from inside and outside the industry. A multi-award-winning building delivered on time, despite multiple shifts in the building design, materials and costings.
A modern high-spec community sports facility in the heart of Whangarei.
A special place for the community and a significant asset for future generations.
Unit 4, 16 Marsden Bay Drive
One Tree Point