Trigg Sports Arena

A modern high-spec community sports facility in the heart of Whangarei.  

An architecturally designed arena and 500-seat grandstand with large canopies floating overhead. The facility has over 1700m2 of training and competition gymnastics floor space, including purpose-made pits to floor for foam blocks and competition trampolines. The building features stack bonded masonry throughout.

Working with two different passionate sports codes to design and construct a facility to international competition standards. A fixed opening date for the facility and a delayed start further compressed the project programme. However, team Trigg overcame an unscheduled six-week delay and still met the drop-dead finish date. Maintaining site harmony within a residential area was an additional challenge. 

A modern, functional fit-for-purpose facility and valuable community asset. An architecturally designed sports arena in the heart of Whangarei’s sporting precinct, skilfully nestled in a high-density residential neighbourhood. A partnered alliance arrangement ensured that the project was delivered to time and budget with the client fully involved throughout.

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Waipu Celtic Barn

A special place for the community and a significant asset for future generations. 

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